extending c

10 Aug 2000 00:11:04 -0400

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
extending c etoffi@bigfoot.com (2000-08-10)
Re: extending C Frank.Gerlach@brokat.de (Frank Gerlach) (2000-08-13)
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Re: extending c kszabo@nortelnetworks.com (Kevin Szabo) (2000-08-27)
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From: etoffi@bigfoot.com
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 10 Aug 2000 00:11:04 -0400
Organization: Deja.com - Before you buy.
Keywords: C, question

I need sombody to help me generate a preprocessor For C. unfortunately
I d'ont know where to start, or rather the best place to start from.
Bison And Flex scare the hell out Of Me And I'M Afraid I will need a
little help with a couple of features that I feel might be useful to
the C programmer's community. All of the new features would look like
regular functions, but would generate extra code and need to be
`translated' before the compilation process. my intention is to
leverage existing compiler technology (as opposed to writing a new
compiler, which would be a losing proposition) to output standard (or
as close as possible) C code.

Please respond if interested :)

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