Re: C to pascal, just this once (Derek M Jones)
10 Aug 2000 00:01:54 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Derek M Jones)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 10 Aug 2000 00:01:54 -0400
Organization: Knowledge Software
References: 00-08-040
Keywords: C, Pascal, translator


>I have a one-time requirement to convert some c-source to pascal.

This is the most common requirement.

>I have found an old 0.80B CtoPas compiler and knowledge software's
>CtoP 1.13. The first does not work at all and the CtoP is marginal at
>best with more skipped lines than processed ones.

Skipped? You have given it a path to find the system includes along?
You may also need to -Dsomething as well. Treat CtoP as a C compiler
whose output is Pascal.

There are many happy customers of CtoP who have not had lines skipped
(but then I would say that). Look at the CtoP error messages being

It would not cost you an arm and a leg to get the latest version. Just
an arm or a leg. But I think if you put some effort into it you will
find the 1.13 will solve most of your problems (unless you have lots of
includes, in which case the 640K limit of that version may be a show

>I have done the DejaNews searches, etc etc but drawn a blank so far. is registered on all the main search engines. CtoP
is even mentioned on our main page!

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