SPIN 2000 - Second Call for Participation

"Klaus Havelund" <havelund@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov>
4 Aug 2000 15:59:01 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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SPIN 2000 - Second Call for Participation havelund@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov (Klaus Havelund) (2000-08-04)
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From: "Klaus Havelund" <havelund@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 4 Aug 2000 15:59:01 -0400
Organization: Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility/NASA Ames Research Center
Keywords: conference

                                            Second Call for Participation

                                                                      SPIN 2000

                                  The 7th International SPIN Workshop on
                                              Model Checking of Software

                                                          Stanford University
                                                              California, USA

                                                August 30-31, September 1
                                                                      Year 2000


          *** Deadline for early registration by email is August 7 ***
          *** Payment on arrival is possible ***

You are hereby invited to participate in the 7th International SPIN
workshop. Final program and registration material are available at the
web site.

The SPIN workshop is a forum for researchers interested in the subject
of automata-based, explicit-state model checking technologies for the
analysis and verification of asynchronous concurrent and distributed
systems. Besides 17 paper presentations there will be three invited
talks and three invited tool tutorials.

Invited Talks:

  Model Checking Specifications
  Leslie Lamport (Compaq Systems Research Center)

  FDR and the Verification of Scalable Real-Life Systems
  Bill Roscoe (Oxford University Computing Laboratory)

  Debugging, Testing and Verification of the Deep-Space 1 Spacecraft Software
  Peter Gluck (NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Invited Tool Tutorials:

  FDR - A refinement based model checker for CSP
  Philippa Broadfoot and Bill Roscoe (Oxford University Computing Laboratory)

  TemporalRover - A temporal logic based testing tool
  Doron Drusinsky (Time Rover Inc.)

  VisualThreads - A runtime analysis testing tool for multi-threaded programs
  Jerry Harrow (Compaq)

Program Committee:

    Dennis Dams (Eindhoven University, Netherlands)
    David Dill (Stanford University, USA)
    Orna Grumberg (The Technion, Israel)
    John Hatcliff (Kansas State University, USA)
    Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala University, Sweden)
    Kim Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
    Stefan Leue (Albert-Ludwigs University, Germany)
    Doron Peled (Bell Labs/CMU, USA)
    Natarajan Shankar (SRI International, USA)
    Joseph Sifakis (Verimag, France)
    Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice University, USA)
    Pierre Wolper (Liege University, Belgium)

Workshop Organization:

    Klaus Havelund (NASA Ames Research Center/QSS,RECOM)
    Gerard Holzmann (Bell Laboratories)
    John Penix (NASA Ames Research Center)
    Willem Visser (NASA Ames Research Center/RIACS)

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