Re: Optimization Question

David Chase <>
4 Aug 2000 15:54:45 -0400

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
Optimization Question (Gunnar Braun) (2000-07-27)
Re: Optimization Question (Gunnar Braun) (2000-07-30)
Re: Optimization Question (2000-07-31)
Re: Optimization Question (David Chase) (2000-08-04)
| List of all articles for this month |
From: David Chase <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 4 Aug 2000 15:54:45 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: optimize, practice

I wish, especially in a compilers newsgroup, that people would
think about what a compiler might do for them, let the compiler
do those things, and focus on those things that a compiler is not
likely to discover.

>long SavedLine = 0;
>char SavedTableNr = 0;
>The init is not free, the compiler must get zeroes into those autos
>somehow (CPU time on each invocation of the routine). With the code
>shown it actually appears to be entirely safe to not initialize

If this is trivially true, then it is cost-free with a good compiler,
because the assignments are dead and will be eliminated.

>It is probably possible to eliminate
>one of those two SavedXYZ variable.

And if it is, a good optimizing compiler will get rid of it
with copy propagation.

The earlier advice from Peter Montgomery is better, and if C++ won't
let you constructor a "pointer" to


use a "reference" instead. If those two indices are invariant
across all that code, you should construct that pointer/reference
only once. Given that they look like non-locals (whatever they
are) your compiler is going to be less likely to do this for
you, especially with the odd subroutine call in there.

David Chase --
NaturalBridge Inc --
BulletTrain bytecode compiler -- when you can't wait for performance

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