Re: Dynamic Language (grammar)

Martin Rodgers <>
4 Aug 2000 15:51:28 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Martin Rodgers <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 4 Aug 2000 15:51:28 -0400
Organization: The Wildcard Killer Butterfly Breeding Ground
References: 00-07-094
Keywords: syntax, design, comment

Voice in the desert: Quiet, isn't it,

> But have you noticed something? All the languages in the world has a
> fixed grammar. The only one that comes close to being dynamic is
> Lisp. But even in lisp you must follow the recursive syntax, and you
> are bound to it for creating new functions.

I see three stages of language; things, ideas and language.

Things are what the machine itself understands. Registers, memory, and
instructions for altering machine state.

Ideas are procedure and data abstractions. Code units, data types,
their construction and combination. Abstract representations of
machine state and transitions.

Language is how we talk about everything.

> Well, I happen to have created a new language with a dynamic grammar
> tree.

Note how this is done in Lisp and Forth.
[Also see tcl, same idea. -John]

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