Help with a project

"J.E. Marchesi" <>
20 Jun 2000 02:31:40 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Help with a project (J.E. Marchesi) (2000-06-20)
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From: "J.E. Marchesi" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 20 Jun 2000 02:31:40 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: question, design, comment


    first of all, please sorry for my english (i am spanish). I am a
    computing engineer student, and my specialization is the low-level
    programming (such as drivers development, bootstrapping and other
    issues near of the machines).

    To make my routines and lybraries i use C, that is the lowest-level
    language that is extended into the high-level languages (yes, really
    my english is very bad :)

    But i am tired using C, because it is very high-level oriented to make
    certain routines or operations commonly used in low-level programming.

    Then, i did a language specification named L3, to work with it. L3
    is an intermediate language in the middle of C and the assembly
    language. It is lower-level than C, and higher-level than assembly
    (in fact, L3 = Low Level Language).

    I already made a lexical and a grammar specification, and i am using
    Flex and Bison to make the scanner and the parser. But i need help.

    Please, if someone is interested about this project, send me an
    e-mail to


                                                          Very thanks for your patient,

                                                                                                Jose Eugenio Marchesi.
[Everyone I know who's tried such a project eventually decided that C
wasn't all that bad after all. -John]

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