term language with statements

Constantine Plotnikov <cap@mail.novosoft.ru>
10 Jun 2000 15:16:12 -0400

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term language with statements cap@mail.novosoft.ru (Constantine Plotnikov) (2000-06-10)
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From: Constantine Plotnikov <cap@mail.novosoft.ru>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 10 Jun 2000 15:16:12 -0400
Organization: Novosoft
Keywords: question, design


Are there any reasearch in the following area. This is description of
what I want and I may use wrong terms for the thing.

1. This language should allow to introduce statements like like in Dylan
in assition to operations.

2. This language should have clean parsed structure (groves are ok, but
it should defined ho they are constructed from language). Prolog terms
is a good example.

3. It should be possible to define building of parsed prepresentation
and surface syntax in some declarative language.

4. This language should not use one constructs for all puposes. (Lisp's
lists are bad example).

5. All Java language constructs should have readable represrentaion in
that language.


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