Re: Need simple parser/interpreter - reinvent the wheel? (Peter da Silva)
3 Jun 2000 17:35:15 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: (Peter da Silva)
Newsgroups: comp.compilers,comp.lang.misc
Date: 3 Jun 2000 17:35:15 -0400
Organization: ABB Network Management
References: 00-05-125
Keywords: parse, comment

Someone else suggested bootstrapping Perl or Tcl, and I would agree with that,
but if you're sing a UNIX system you can get a lot of benefit from the existing

Paul Dineen <> wrote:
> SCSI_disk {
> open values[1] = "-- Information Tool Log for SCSI Disk on path (.*) --";
> values[2] = "^Product ID:\\s*(\\S*)\\s*";
> values[3] = "^Firmware Rev:\\s*(\\S*)\\s";
> close values[4] = "^Serial Number:\\s*(\\S*)\\s";
> return 1-4;
> }

awk 'BEGIN {state="none"}
state=="none" && /Information Tool Log for SCSI Disk on path/ {

state=="scsi" && /^Product ID/ {

state=="scsi" && /^Firmware Rev/ {

state=="scsi" && /^Serial Number/ {
    print "SCSI_disk",$path,$product_id,$firmware_rev,$serial_number

(this sort of thing shows you a lot about Perl's ancestry. It's a pity
that the equivalent Perl would be a lot less clean... in many ways Awk
is an improvement on its descendant)

In hoc signo hack, Peter da Silva <>
[It's true, for this kind of application perl has too much Basic-Plus and
not enough RPG. -John]

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