How to measure code density?

1 Jun 2000 17:59:44 -0400

          From comp.compilers

Related articles
How to measure code density? (PRETORIA) (2000-06-01)
Re: How to measure code density? (Jimmy Kerl) (2000-06-09)
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From: "PRETORIA" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 1 Jun 2000 17:59:44 -0400
Organization: Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, Taiwan
Keywords: analysis

Dear All:

Is there anyone who knows how to measure code density?
To what extend can we claim that the code is compact or not?
Where can I get related information or papers about the above problems?

Another similiar question is :
      Is there any applicable tool to see the machine code of some binary
programs (i.e. a.out)?

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