Re: GCC does not cope with my code

Gregory Bond <>
28 May 2000 21:06:29 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: Gregory Bond <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 28 May 2000 21:06:29 -0400
Organization: ITG Australia Ltd
References: 00-05-091
Keywords: GCC, practice

Gunnar Braun <> writes:

> No problem up to here. Now I'd like to compile the resulting file with
> g++, but it takes ages until I get the object file. It gets worse, if I
> try to optimize the code generation via -O (of course it gets). The
> problem is that the (source) file (after the macro expansion) isn't
> really large, it's below 700 kB. If the file gets above 700 kB, the
> compiler crashes with the famous signal 11 internal compiler error.

Wow, 700kB of source in one function? No wonder it takes ages! Some
of the internal algorithms are probably O(N^2) (or worse!) in the size
of the function.

The Sig11 is almost certainly due to running out of memory during the
optimization pass as it tries to build enormous flow graphs etc.

Either buy a faster/bigger computer, turn off optimizing, or break it
into many smaller functions.

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