Re: GCC does not cope with my code

"Armel" <>
28 May 2000 21:00:13 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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From: "Armel" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 28 May 2000 21:00:13 -0400
Organization: WebID
References: 00-05-091
Keywords: C, practice


        I had a similar problem with Visual C++... what I think is that
your problem is due to your 'one' function file or at least your very
large functions.
        I compiled Wu prolog it had also a file with one big function as
this and it did not compiled with VC++

        I think compiler try to use optimizations based on the function
analysis but as functions are usually rather short for a compiler
(say, a function with 300 lines is already unreadable... so something
between 50 B to 1kB :) , the memory model must not be really efficient
so with 700 kB : badaboum !


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