Re: Object Oriented Approach to Compiler design and Implementation.

Deryck F Brown <>
26 Apr 2000 02:41:00 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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| List of all articles for this month |
From: Deryck F Brown <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 26 Apr 2000 02:41:00 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 00-04-148 00-04-169
Keywords: OOP, books


> I have not seen any good book article or research paper about OO
> compiler organization. If you find something, please let me know.

I am the co-author of a recent textbook that aims to illustrate how to
implement compilers in an object-oriented language. The book is geared
to using Java, but most of the design decisions should translate into
C++ without difficulty.

However, it is designed as a introductory textbook to compilers and
interpreters, and so it may not deal with some of the advanced areas
you are interested in.

The sourcecode for a complete compiler for a Pascal-like language,
written in Java, is available from the companion Web site for
educational use.

The book is:

David A Watt and Deryck F Brown (2000). Programming Language
Processors in Java. Prentice-Hall International. ISBN 0-130-25786-9.

The companion Web site is:


Dr Deryck F Brown, Senior Lecturer | The Robert Gordon University | School of Computer and Math Sciences
Tel: +44 (0)1224 262729 / Fax: 262727 | St Andrew Street | Aberdeen AB25 1HG

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