Re: types, was Crenshaw's Tutorial

"Dr A. N. Walker" <>
27 Feb 2000 02:40:36 -0500

          From comp.compilers

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Re: types, was Crenshaw's Tutorial (Dr A. N. Walker) (2000-02-27)
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From: "Dr A. N. Walker" <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 27 Feb 2000 02:40:36 -0500
Organization: School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK.
References: 00-01-073 00-02-01700-02-038 00-02-061 00-02-068 00-02-106
Keywords: algol68

David Thompson wrote:
> IIRC didn't the Algol 68 Report "look up" declarations by
> (conceptually) generating a grammar to carry them into uses?

Almost. The grammar included syntax that enforced scoping
rules, correct coercions, etc., but not the semantics. It *could*
have done that, but doubtless the "exploding brain" effect would have
been even worse.

> Unfortunately my brain exploded about 1/5 of the way
> through, and some of the pieces are still missing. ;-(
> [Yeah, I had the same problem. -John]

That's a pity, both of you. Next time you try, skip the first
1/5, which has the EB effect on everyone [normal], and read the actual
language definition and the examples. Then you'll know which of the
bits you skipped are actually important.
Andy Walker, School of MathSci., Univ. of Nott'm, UK.

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