Best compiling method

James Boyle <>
Tue, 11 Feb 92 16:01:53 EDT

          From comp.compilers

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Best compiling method (James Boyle) (1992-02-11)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: James Boyle <>
Keywords: parse, LL(1), question, performance
Organization: Compilers Central
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 92 16:01:53 EDT

I was wondering what people consider to be the best compiling(parsing)
approach I am planning to write a small-scale Pascal compiler for the
amiga and have only had experience(limited at that) with recursive descent
parsers for LL(1) grammers. I was wondering how other parsing methods
(LR(1) and table driven parsers) stack up in terms of parsing speed.

-James Boyle
[This is as much as anything a religious issue. I suspect that for Pascal,
which is very easy to parse, a hard coded RD parser will probably be the
fastest. But there are other criteria than speed. -John]

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