Multi-compilers -- The ``Ideal'' Programming language ?? (Martin Howe)
Tue, 25 Sep 90 02:55:17 GMT

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Multi-compilers -- The ``Ideal'' Programming language ?? (1990-09-25)
Re: Multi-compilers -- The ``Ideal'' Programming language ?? (1990-09-30)
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Newsgroups: comp.compilers
From: (Martin Howe)
Summary: Never mind implementation, specification's difficult enough !
Keywords: design
Organization: Dept. of Elec. Eng. & Electronics, Brunel Univ., Uxbridge, UK
References: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 02:55:17 GMT

In the middle of my periodical musings about what should or should not
go into an ``ideal'' programming language, and how people tend to resist
such ideas on grounds of implementation difficulty (among others), I came
across article <> in which Mark William
Hopkins <> writes:

> Recently, an interesting idea has come to mind for a new kind of compiler:
>a Multi-Compiler. What makes it different from your typical compiler is that
>it accepts code from more than one source language: many source languages in

In fact reading the Byte 15 Year Anniversary issue, it seems Jensen & Partners
have come up with just that - the TopSpeed system. I tell you,
                                                    FROM stdio IMPORT printf;
looked pretty odd at first sight.

> What would it look like ? The whole issue seems to revolve around
> this concept (which I borrow from linguistics) of 'code-switching'.

In fact, TopSpeed isn't, as far as I can make out, a true ``multicompiler'';
JPI seem to do it around libraries. One uses one language as a top-level
shell and calls library routines from whichever languages have been installed
with your system.

However, I have felt for some time, that multicompilers when they arrive
will not solve the problem very much more than mixed-language compilation
and linkable object modules do now. The __real__ problem, in my estimation
is that of deciding exactly *what* should go in an all-embracing language.

As Mark Hopkins says:

> Different languages are designed to do different things better.

I would go further: different programming pradigms do things better. This
is obvious; but the solution, while equally obvious, doesn't seem to have been
tried [except Trilogy ?] and multicompilers only sidestep it.

There are at the moment, four well-known programming pradgigms: imperative,
funtional, logic and object-oriented. There may be others, but these ones
are the main four at the moment. People often ignore the fact that real-world
problems often require one or more language types to solve them and for this
reason, I have suggested in the past and will continue to suggest, that a
``multi-language'' which covers all four is, rather than an ``ideal
impossibility'' or ``too difficult to implement'' or a ``bloated compiler''
[substitute whinge of your choice], an ABSOLUTE NECESSITY if anything even
remotely like an ``ideal'' programming language is ever to be designed.

I suggest that while we can never create the ideal <anything>, we can come
pretty close, and I offer the following possible solution for discussion:

For each type of language (four at the moment), extract a minimal language
that fulfills the requirements. For example, bare-bones Modula-2 for
the imperative requirements. Design a lexicon and grammar that covers all
four and are as natural-language like as possible without being imprecise.
If you have to go to LL(2) or have a two-level parser so be it; MIPS are
cheap these days (hey, I'm a VLSI designer, I should know :-); and human
time isn't. Let the library (ie, object class) writers extend as necessary.

This is another focal point. It is stupid to say ``Oh, but the user can
write routines to extend the language.'' Oh yeah ? Then tell me which of the
following is more readable, given a library of complex arithmetic functions:

sin := (e**z - e**-z) / 2i (* note the lack of garbage like FLOAT *)

sin := CompDiv(CompSub(CompExp(z),CompExp(-z)),CompAssign(0,2));

It gets worse if you can't return user-defined non-cardinal types
(ie pointers to them) on the stack. This is another flaw in some languages
today. If I code

      meow : ARRAY[0..262144] of byte;

and later on in a procedure

RETURN meow;

I **know** the compiler isn't going to return a 256kByte array on the stack;
it'll use a pointer. But I, the programmer DON'T NEED TO KNOW THIS ! There can
be no excuse these days for not allowing ANYTHING to be returned from a
procedure, but even Modula-2 Rev. 4 doesn't do this. Pfft!

Furthermore, make it easy to define not only your own operators, but also
__your own textual forms for literals__. I would rather write

        zin = z2 / (5+3i)
        zin = CompDiv(z2,CompAssign(5,3))

for example. Again, at this point, people usually start to whine, but
I would say that there is almost certainly a crossover point past which,
as languages get more natural-looking, the designer can think in higher level
terms, and express higher level ideas more succinctly, and therefore
__LESS BUGGILY__. (Who cares about EOL & EOT ? WHILE (<>) looks fine to me).
(Of course they can express higher-level algorithm flaws more succinctly :-)

Of course, it must be remembered that someone who must have been very
clever once remarked: "Enable programmers to program in English, and you
will find that they can't". This is true up to a point. Our language
must be limited, or it will lose any preciseness. I am saying also that
a __lot__ of extra syntactic freedom in saying what you _can_ say in the
language, and current languages just don't provide it.

For example, is it really so difficult to parse out the noise words in

    z2 := the 53rd 130th root of z1;

given a prodecure CompRoot(complex,integer,integer,complex) ? Perhaps with
objects available, we can provide self.parser as a routine with each
declared type [recursive compilation anyone ?].

Oh, and one more thing - MACROS !
If I am putting together a library of IO routines based on a library
that comes with the compiler, I don't want a function call overhead,
whenever I use any of those routines verbatim. For example, if I rewrite
sin() and cos(), but leave exp() alone, I take a performance hit when I say

          RETURN maths.exp(number:real)
END MyExp;

since MyExp is a real function, not a macro. Furthermore, I frequently
want to be able to dump a copy of a routine inline without doing it as
a function call, eg., for reasons of speed; but keeping only one main
definition of that function.

How about
          EXEC (some_horribly_complicated_test())

(*rather than *)


For that matter, INC(x) looks like a procedure, but it'd damn well
better be a SINGLE assembler instruction in practice, or else.


Well I've got that lot off my chest after so many years, so let's
clean up the loose ends.

Mark continues:
>people I talked to about this seem to arrive at as a first idea, then you
>have nothing more than a series of disjoint compilers integrated by a common
>object code format and single linker.

BTW, JPI use a common p-code and object code generator.

> Syntax is not an issue.
Here I must disagree. See above.

> We're not talking about actualy merging the syntaxes of the source languages
I am (sort of).
>would be an interesting problem to solve.
You bet !

> When you want your compiler to do C, you issue a #in c directive. When you
> want it to switch to Pascal, you likewise issue a #in pascal directive, and
> so on...
I have thought of this before, but I'm not sure I'd like it.

> With this latter strategy (more than one language per file), the issue of
> what language you issue external declarations becomes moot: since it's all
> "going down the same stomach" anyhow, it doesn't matter.
I couldn't agree more, but I still feel the #C #pascal idea would look too
odd. Still, its a matter of taste.

> The best strategy to pursue to minimize these problems see to be to
> simultaneously develop extensions of each language that are upwardly
> compatible with the latest standard and which make these languages as much
> alike as possible. This means adding C/Pascal-like data structures and
> control structures to the likes of FORTRAN or BASIC, for instance.

I'll go along with that in the meantime, despite the people who laugh when
I say it. Believe me, many people I have talked to find such ideas anathema.

> It seems to me, though, that the huge investment in this effort would be
>very much worth it, since no matter where I talk and who I talk to about
>this, the idea goes over extremely well: it seems that we're talking about
>the ultimate programmer's workbench with this kind of utility.

> But there's this one nagging issue: what would this give us that using a
>series of compilers, like MicroSoft's Quick series, with a good linker won't
>already give you?

A completely integrated and normalised language, tailored to fit the majority
of real-world problems (at least those we know how to do at the moment) with
as few _extraneous_ ways of doing the same thing as possible.

Oh well. I can dream...

(I leave Brunel University at the end of next week, but I'll happily
discuss this (if anyone's interested) until then).
Martin Howe, Microelectronics System Design MSc, Brunel U.
[A J Perlis often commented that attempts to combine dissimilar language
types produced "dumbbell shaped languages," i.e. the pieces didn't fit
together very well. I'd also like a language that lets me say anything I
want to say very concisely, but I'm not convinced that I can define
something that combines all sorts of different stuff and doesn't end up
looking totally ugly. More specific proposals could be persuasive. Also,
there has been a long thread on this topic in comp.lang.misc. -John]

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