Looking for critique for a scripting language spec

Fei Liu <fei.liu@gmail.com>
Fri, 1 Feb 2008 10:09:30 -0800 (PST)

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Looking for critique for a scripting language spec fei.liu@gmail.com (Fei Liu) (2008-02-01)
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From: Fei Liu <fei.liu@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 10:09:30 -0800 (PST)
Organization: Compilers Central
Keywords: design, question
Posted-Date: 01 Feb 2008 20:50:24 EST

Hello Group,

    I am developing a simple scripting language (sql like) to be
embedded inside a tcp/ip server to experiment with an idea I had. To
allow a server to provide a simple interface to manipulate its data
through a terminal interface by a network client (like a database

    Following the post is the complete spec source code. If you want to
read the rational behind the design, it's all published here in a few
entries, the most relevant one is:

    I am asking for critique (what I did wrong, didn't do well) and
recommendation (how can I improve the spec) before I leave the spec as
it is and start working on streaming and IO part of my little project.

  Thank you in advance,

[The first question has to be why did you invent another scripting language
rather than using python, tcl, rexx, lua, or any of the other well debugged
languages already available? -John]

#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H
#include < string>
#include < iostream>
#include < map>

#include < boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string> map_t;

// a value type that describe the value of a symbol table entry
// Essentially the symbol table entry data structure
struct value{
        unsigned char type; // the first letter of corresponding union
        union {
                int ival;
                float fval;
                double dval;
                char * sval;
                map_t * mval;
        } ivalue;

// The symbol table data structure
// Symbol table entry is keyed by the symbol string value
typedef std::map< std::string, value> symtab_t;

extern int yyerror(char *);


#include "map.tab.h"
#include "map.h"

extern symtab_t symtab;
std::string line;
bool report_err;
int lineno;
int tokenpos;
D [0-9]
N {D}+
L [a-zA-Z]
A [a-zA-Z0-9]
ID ({L}{A}*)

select { tokenpos += yyleng; return SELECT; }
insert { tokenpos += yyleng; return INSERT; }
into { tokenpos += yyleng; return INTO; }
from { tokenpos += yyleng; return FROM; }
create { tokenpos += yyleng; return CREATE; }
table { tokenpos += yyleng; return TABLE; }
list { tokenpos += yyleng; return LIST; }
where { tokenpos += yyleng; return WHERE; }
key { tokenpos += yyleng; return KEY; }
value { tokenpos += yyleng; return VALUE; }

${ID} { tokenpos += yyleng; yylval.text = strdup(yytext+1);
return OBJECT; }
{ID} { tokenpos += yyleng; yylval.text = strdup(yytext); return
[ \t] { tokenpos += yyleng; /* ignore white space */ }
. { tokenpos += yyleng; return yytext[0]; }
\n.* { report_err = true; tokenpos = 0; line = yytext+1;
yyless(1); lineno++; return '\n'; }


int yyerror(char * s){
                std::cout << lineno << " : " << s << " at \n" << line << '\n';
                printf("%*s\n", 1+tokenpos, "^");
extern "C"{
#include < stdio.h>
#define YYDEBUG 1
extern int yyerror(char *);
extern int yylex();

#include "map.h"

symtab_t symtab;
bool where_by_key = false;
bool where_by_value = false;
std::string tablename;
std::string where;

        char * text;

%token < text> WHERE KEY VALUE

statements: statements statement
        | statement
statement: insert_stmt opt_semicolon '\n'
        | select_stmt opt_semicolon '\n'
        | create_stmt opt_semicolon '\n'
        | assign_stmt opt_semicolon '\n'
        | list_stmt opt_semicolon '\n'
        | '\n'
        | error '\n' { yyclearin; yyerrok; std::cout << "Enter another
command\n"; }
        | ';'
        OBJECT '=' TEXT
                                // string variable assignment
                                symtab_t::iterator it = symtab.find($1);
                                if(it != symtab.end() && it->second.type == 's') //
Symbol found and type is correct
                                        it->second.ivalue.sval = $3;
                                else{ // New symbol, add to symbol table
                                        value v;
                                        v.ivalue.sval = $3;
                                        v.type = 's';
                                        symtab[$1] = v;
                                // Create a new dictionary
                                std::string symbol = $3;
                                symtab_t::iterator it = symtab.find(symbol);
                                if(it != symtab.end() && it->second.type == 'm'){ //
Symbol found and type is correct
                                        std::cerr << "symbol: " << symbol << " already
                                }else{ // New symbol, create new map(table), add to
symbol table
                                        value v;
                                        v.ivalue.mval = new(map_t);
                                        v.type = 'm';
                                        symtab[symbol] = v;
        INSERT INTO OBJECT '(' TEXT ',' TEXT ')'
                                // insert key, value pair into an existing dictionary
                                symtab_t::const_iterator it = symtab.find($3);
                                if(it != symtab.end() && it->second.type == 'm'){ //
Symbol found and type is correct
                                        (*(it->second.ivalue.mval))[std::string($5)] =
                                        std::cerr << "unknown symbol: " << $3 << " create
select_stmt: simple_select_stmt
                                // go through all key, value pair of a dictionary
                                symtab_t::const_iterator it = symtab.find(tablename);
                                if(it != symtab.end() && it->second.type == 'm'){
                                        map_t::const_iterator mit = it->second.ivalue.mval-
                                        for(; mit != it->second.ivalue.mval->end(); ++
                                                std::cout << "key = " << mit->first << ' '
                                                        << "value = " << mit->second << '\n';
                                        std::cerr << "invalid object\n";

        | simple_select_stmt opt_where_stmt
                                // go through all key, value pair of a dictionary
                                // based on where criteria, search by key or value
                                symtab_t::const_iterator it = symtab.find(tablename);
                                if(it != symtab.end() && it->second.type == 'm'){
                                        map_t::const_iterator mit = it->second.ivalue.mval-
                                        for(; mit != it->second.ivalue.mval->end(); ++
                                                if( (where_by_key && mit->first == where) ||
                                                        (where_by_value && mit->second == where)
                                                        (!where_by_key && !where_by_value) )
                                                        std::cout << "key = " << mit->first << ' '
                                                                << "value = " << mit->second << '\n';
                                        std::cerr << "invalid object\n";

                                where_by_key = where_by_value = false;

        SELECT '*' FROM OBJECT { tablename = $4; }
opt_where_stmt: WHERE KEY '=' TEXT { where_by_key = true; where =
$4; }
        | WHERE VALUE '=' TEXT { where_by_value = true; where =
$4; }
                                // Dump the entire symbol table
                                // For dictionaries, dump all key, value pairs as well
                                // Iterate through the symbol table
                                symtab_t::const_iterator it = symtab.begin();
                                for(; it != symtab.end(); ++it){
                                        std::cout << "symbol: " << it->first << ' ' << it-
>second.type << '\n';
                                                case 's': std::cout << "value = " << it-
>second.ivalue.sval << '\n';
                                                case 'm': {
                                                                // iterate through the dictionary
                                                                map_t::const_iterator mit = it-
                                                                for(; mit != it->second.ivalue.mval-
>end(); ++ mit)
                                                                        std::cout << "key = " << mit-
>first << ' '
                                                                                << "value = " << mit->second
<< '\n';
                                                                std::cerr << "Unknown data type\n";

int main(){
        extern int yydebug;
        yydebug = 0;
A transcript of my parser in action:

create table $sss;
symbol: sss m
insert into $sss (abc, efg)
symbol: sss m
key = abc value = efg
insret into $sss( ddd, hik)
4 : syntax error at
insret into $sss( ddd, hik)
insert into $sss (ddd, hik)
Enter another command
symbol: sss m
key = abc value = efg
key = ddd value = hik
select * from $sss;
key = abc value = efg
key = ddd value = hik
select * from $sss where key = ddd
key = ddd value = hik
create table $sss;
symbol: sss m
insert into $sss (abc, efg)
symbol: sss m
key = abc value = efg
insret into $sss( ddd, hik)
4 : syntax error at
insret into $sss( ddd, hik)
insert into $sss (ddd, hik)
Enter another command
symbol: sss m
key = abc value = efg
key = ddd value = hik
select * from $sss;
key = abc value = efg
key = ddd value = hik
select * from $sss where key = ddd
key = ddd value = hik

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