Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort

Carl Barron <>
12 Sep 2006 00:00:00 -0400

          From comp.compilers

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Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (2006-08-18)
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Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (2006-08-30)
Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (Alex Colvin) (2006-08-31)
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Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (Carl Barron) (2006-09-12)
Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (glen herrmannsfeldt) (2006-09-12)
Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (2006-09-12)
Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (glen herrmannsfeldt) (2006-09-12)
Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (A.L.) (2006-09-12)
Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (glen herrmannsfeldt) (2006-09-13)
Re: The History of the ALGOL Effort (HT de Beer) (2006-09-16)
| List of all articles for this month |
From: Carl Barron <>
Newsgroups: comp.compilers
Date: 12 Sep 2006 00:00:00 -0400
Organization: Compilers Central
References: 06-08-082 06-08-086 06-08-105 06-08-138 06-09-050
Keywords: linker, history
Posted-Date: 12 Sep 2006 00:00:00 EDT

In article 06-09-050, Henry Spencer
<> wrote:

> Peter Ludemann <> wrote:
> >One of the nice properties of the PL360 compiler is that it could
> >compile a program, produce a listing, and cross-references faster than
> >IBM's IEBPTPCH utility could produce only a listing.
> This experience had wider ramifications, too: PL360 compiled so much
> faster than IBM's glacially-slow linker could link, that it soured Wirth
> on separate compilation. The result was several influential languages,
> most notably Pascal, with no provision for separate compilation.
> (Some of the early papers describing Pascal say fairly explicitly that
> this feature has been omitted partly because a well-written compiler
> is so much faster than linkers that you don't need separate
> compilation.)
> And that, in turn, contributed to the rise of C, because the fact was that
> people needed and wanted separate compilation.
> --
> [Back in the 1970s at Dartmouth, the DTSS compilers were also so fast that
> they didn't have a linker and for most purposes, didn't even bother to
> save object code. They finally wrote a linker in about 1976 when they
> added PL/I. -John]

      In the 1960's there was watfor [WATerloo FORtran], a fast fortran IV
compiler that compiled directly into executable code as well. Not good
for a huge problem, but it was a boom to all the 'student like'
programs that were encountered by universities at the time. sys360's
original E level fortran compiler was of the same philosophy.

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