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A simple example of using bison++ and flex++ (Belaid MOA) (2005-03-27) |
From: | "Belaid MOA" <> |
Newsgroups: | comp.compilers |
Date: | 27 Mar 2005 12:56:37 -0500 |
Organization: | Compilers Central |
Keywords: | yacc, lex, C++ |
Posted-Date: | 27 Mar 2005 12:56:37 EST |
Dear All,
I noticed that there is an interest in having an example of using bison++
and flex++. I also noticed that there is no concrete example in the web
(from my search). For this reason, this an example of how to use bison++
and flex++.
I am using bison++ Version 1.21-8 and flex++ version 2.5.4.
The files are:
file name: parser.y
%name Parser
%define LSP_NEEDED
%define MEMBERS \
virtual ~Parser() {} \
private: \
yyFlexLexer lexer;
%define LEX_BODY {return lexer.yylex();}
%define ERROR_BODY {cerr << "error encountered at line: "<<lexer.lineno()<<"
last word parsed:"<<lexer.YYText()<<"\n";}
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <FlexLexer.h>
using namespace std;
%union {
int i_type;
%token UNKNOWN
%token <i_type> NUMBER
%type <i_type> number
%start number
: NUMBER { $$ = atoi(lexer.YYText());std::cout << "Parser value
file name: scanner.l
%option c++
%option noyywrap
#include "parser.h"
#include <cstdlib>
//YY_CalcParser_STYPE val;
DIGIT [0-9]
DIGIT1 [1-9]
std::cout <<"Lexer: "<< yytext <<std::endl;
return Parser::NUMBER;
. {
return Parser::UNKNOWN;
<<EOF>> {
file name: test.cpp
#include "parser.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
Parser parser;
return 0;
To generate cpp files use:
1. bison++ -d -hparser.h -o parser.cpp parser.y
2. flex++ -d -oscanner.cpp scanner.l
To compile the files user:
1. g++ -c parser.cpp
2. g++ -c scanner.cpp
3. g++ -c test.cpp
To link them all
1. g++ -o test test.o parser.o scanner.o
To test your parser/lexer use
1. echo "12345" | ./test
For more information about options and declarations in flex++ and
bison++, the man of flex++ and bison++ is an excellent source for
With best regards.
Belaid Moa.
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